The mission of the rare disease Centres is to participate in the diagnosis and care of children and adult patients with rare diseases. They coordinate the patient’s care path but they also have parallel functions.
The main missions of CRACMO are:
- Expertise - drafting of PNDS - Development of national and international good practice guides - Data collection (BDMR, Oesophageal Atresia Registry, Eosinophilic Oesophagitis Registry)
- Research
- Education
- Training of professionals and patients
- Response to requests for second opinions
- Relationships with associations
- Coordination of medical and social care
- Drafting of PIA (individual intake plan) with schools as required
- Consultation meetings with medico-social structures (CAMSP, IEM) and/or social (social workers, PMI) as required when complex educational, psychosocial problems are associated with a chronic disease
- Systematic multidisciplinary psychosocial assessment