Fimatho Transition Kit : Recommendations and tools for the transition
Designed as a complete downloadable package, the transition kit is aimed at paediatric and adult doctors who want to help their patients make the transition to adult services or welcome them there.
The transition kit contains :
The FIMATHO Transition Recommendations
The FIMATHO "Towards adult services" sheet
The FIMATHO "Good2Go Questionnaire"
The FIMATHO "Transition follow-up" sheet
FIMATHO "Preparing for Transfer" form
FIMATHO "Arrival in an adult ward" form
Artificial feeding - Guide on transitions to adulthood
This booklet, developed by the association La Vie par un Fil, is intended for patients, their families but also health professionals. It contains help and first-person accounts to better succeed in going from paediatrics to an adult hospital under the best conditions of treatment continuity related to artificial, tube and parenteral nutrition.

Useful links and practical tools for the transition from adolescence to adulthood
Presentation intended for teens/young adults who have not yet gone through the transition or who have just gone through it, as well as their parents. Compiled by the FIMATHO network and presented during Transition days.
"Good2Go" questionnaire - Am I ready for the transition?
The "Good2Go" questionnaire was created as part of a transition assistance programme implemented by the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto (Good 2 Go Transition Program: Its purpose is to evaluate the level of preparation of teens to transition to adult health care.
The first version of the “Good2Go” questionnaire, validated in French, is available on the website of the AD’venir Platform at Robert Debré hospital.