"Diaphragmatic hernia – understanding and support” booklet
Drafted by both medical and paramedical professionals from the Hernia Reference Centre, the FIMATHO network and families of the APEHDia association, this booklet is intended for parents and future parents impacted by this rare pathology.
It contains information and general references on diaphragmatic hernia to help parents understand and be prepared to organise care for their child.
"Diaphragmatic hernia – understanding and support” booklet"Accompanying oesophageal atresia” booklet
This booklet is written using several voices in order to better use the synergy between parents, health care professionals and reference centres. Its purpose is to assist parents with the return home.
It contains general information on oesophageal atresia, childcare recommendations, information on the respiratory difficulties that may be encountered by children, and speech therapy recommendations. You can also find information on psychological, social and educational support.
"Accompanying oesophageal atresia” bookletPractical guide on daily life at home
This guide created by the La Vie par un Fil association has been officially recognised by SFNEP (Société francophone de métabolisme et nutrition, or Francophone Society on Metabolism and Nutrition).
It is addressed to patients, their families, and health care professionals who prescribe and manage artificial feeding at home.
It contains tips and solutions for a better experience with artificial feeding at home, with a tube or through the parenteral route.
"Artificial nutrition - Practical guide on daily life at home" bookletGuide on the pathway to adult life
This guide created by the La Vie par un Fil association has been officially recognised by SFNEP (Société francophone de métabolisme et nutrition, or Francophone Society on Metabolism and Nutrition).
It includes testimonials from adults, physicians and medical personnel regarding life with a feeding tube and parenteral nutrition at home.
"Artificial nutrition at home - the pathway to adult life" guide