TPE directory
The TPE directory brings together all the existing Therapeutic Patient Education programmes in the FIMATHO rare disease centres in France.
The directory allows you to search for an TPE programme according to its theme, the region of the rare disease centre running the programme or the public concerned (children/young people/adults).

Les cartes de l'imprévu (TPE application)

The "Cartes de l'Imprévu" application is an interactive and accessible therapeutic education tool designed for healthcare professionals working with paediatric patients on parenteral nutrition. The tool was developed by Florence LIEBERT, nurse coordinator at the MaRDi centre at Robert-Debré University Hospital in Paris.
Expl'Oralité briefcase
Since 2021, Lille University Hospital has been running a Therapeutic Patient Education (TPE) programme for children with paediatric feeding disorders (PFD) and their families. Since its inception, this programme has attracted the interest of several teams treating children with an PFD.
This is how the Expl'Oralité kit project came about, with the aim of disseminating the PFD TPE programme run by Lille University Hospital and encouraging the sharing of experience between teams in the FIMATHO network.
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